Cla-Val 60-08/660-08 User Manual
60 series, Booster pump control valves - electrical controls

Start Up Procedure
The limit switch (SW2) on the valve should be adjusted
before the pump control valve is placed in service. The
stop collar on the limit switch stem should be adjusted to
strike the switch arm roller as the valve travels closed to
the 95% (approx.) closed position. The N.O. contacts on
the SW2 limit switch will close when the adjustable collar
strikes the limit switch roller and moves the switch arm.
Please read the operating instructions carefully. Make
all adjustments (opening speed control, closing speed
control and limit switch) before starting the booster pump
or turning on the electrical control power.
After the above adjustments have been made the
H-O-A switch should be placed in the “off” position and
the electrical control power should be turned on. The 60
Series control valve should then be permitted to close
(please see manual) and allow the limit switch (SW2) stop
collar to contact the SW2 switch roller. This action closes
the N.O. contacts on SW2 and energizes the coil on relay
The H-O-A switch can now be placed in the “automatic”
position and the following operation should result:
Pump Starting - Pump Running Cycle
There are two ways in which the pump motor (M) start-
ing cycle may be “called” on:
1 - The pump motor may be “called” on by manually
placing the H-O-A switch in the hand position. This action
bypasses the automatic remote switch (SW1) and calls the
pump on.
2 - The pump motor may be “called” on by manually
placing the H-O-A switch in the “automatic” position pro-
vided that the automatic switch (SW1) contacts close. This
action places the pump motor under the command of SW1
and the associated safety controls. The pump motor (M)
can not be called on, under any conditions, if the H-O-A
switch is manually placed in the “off” position.
When SW1 contacts close (assuming that 3CR coil is
energized—see start up procedure above) coil 1CR is
energized, both contacts 1CR close to energize pilot
valve solenoid (PVS) and relay coil 2CR. Both contacts
2CR close and the pump motor (M) starts immediately as
the valve begins to open. As the limit switch SW2 stem
collar lifts off the roller, SW2 contacts N.C., close. The
pump is now locked on the line by SW2 and the valve
slowly continues to go completely open, directing all liq-
uid flow to the pipeline.
Power Failure (While Pump Is Running) Conditions
If a momentary power failure should occur while the
pump is running, relay coil 3CR would be de-energized
and contacts 3CR1, 3CR2, and 3CR3 would open. This
action would completely lock the pump motor out from
restarting and keep the valve solenoid PVS de-energized
until the diaphragm assembly lowers to the setpoint of
SW2 limit switch. The Cla-Val 60 Series valve is equipped
with an integral “drop” check that will close immediately
when the pump motor stops and prevent backflow.
However, a time period of several seconds is required for
the diaphragm assembly to travel to the down position to
hold the valve closed when the pump restarts. Thus, even
though the power is restored immediately following the
power failure the pump cannot restart until the system
is “ready”, hydraulically, for a new start up.
Pump Stopping - Pump Off Conditions
When SW1 contacts are opened, or the H-O-A switch is
manually placed in the off position, coil 1CR contacts open
and the PVS coil is de-energized. Since the SW2 contacts
are in the normally closed position the pump motor (M)
continues to run as the pump control valve slowly closes.
When the SW2 stop collar reaches the roller arm, the SW2
N.C. contacts will open, 2CR coil will be de-energized,
both 2CR contacts will open and the pump motor (M) will
stop. The pump motor will remain off under these condi-
tions. Coil 3 CR will remain energized and contacts 3CR1,
3CR2, and 3CR3 will remain closed. The Cla-Val 60 Series
will remain closed under these conditions.
Please refer to Cla-Val. drawing #69548, the Product Data Catalog and the Installation, Operation, & Maintenance
Manual shipped with the Control Valve.
60 Series
Booster Pump Control Valves - Electrical Controls
N-C60E (R-8/05)