Cla-Val 60-31/660-31 User Manual
Booster pump control valve

Booster Pump Control Valve
Typical Application
Install Model 60-31/660-31 valve as shown in multiple pump
applications. Flexible conduit should be used for electrical
connections to the solenoid control and the limit switch. A
Model 52-03/652-03 Surge Anticipator Valve is recom-
mended for power failure protection.
Schematic Diagram
Item Description
Hycheck (Main Valve)
102C-3H Three Way Hytrol
CS3SM Solenoid Control
X105LCW Switch Assembly
CDC Disk Check Valve
CDC/CSC Check Valve
CNA Angle Valve
CK2 Cock (Isolation Valve)
Item Description
X46A Flow Clean Strainer
CK2 Cock (Isolation Valve)
X141 Pressure Gauge
X43 "Y" Strainer
Simple Hydraulic Operation
Low Head Loss
Built-in Check Valve
Proven Reliable Design
The Cla-Val Model 60-31/660-31 Booster Pump Control valve is a
pilot-operated valve designed for installation on the discharge of
booster pumps to eliminate pipeline surges caused by the starting
and stopping of the pump.
The pump starts against a closed valve. When the pump is started,
the solenoid control is energized and the valve begins to open
slowly, gradually increasing line pressure to full pumping head.
When the pump is signaled to shut-off, the solenoid control is de-
energized and the valve begins to close slowly, gradually reducing
flow while the pump continues to run. When the valve is closed, a
limit switch assembly, which serves as an electrical interlock be-
tween the valve and the pump, releases the pump starter and the
pump stops.
The Model 60-31/660-31 is an automatic valve of a modified globe-
type design with a built-in, lift type, check feature. It is hydraulically
operated and diaphragm-actuated. A three-way solenoid valve
controls the valve operation. Flow control valves located in the pilot
control system provide regulation of both the opening and closing
rate. Pilot system strainer insures that the pilot control supply is
Note: For main valve option descriptions, refer to the
100-04 (60-31) or 100-23 (660-31) Technical Data Sheet.
(Full Internal Port)
(Reduced Internal Port)