Asus Rampage III Black Edition User Manual

Page 132

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Chapter 3: BIOS Setup

Power On By RTC Alarm [Disabled]

Allows you to enable or disable RTC to generate a wake event. When this item is

set to [Enabled], the items RTC Alarm Date (Days) and System Time will become

user-configurable with set values.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Disables RTC to generate a wake event.


When set to [Enabled], the items RTC Alarm Date (Days) and

System Time will become user-configurable with set values.

Power On By PCIE Devices [Disabled]

Allows you to enable or disable the PCIE devices to generate a wake event.

Disables the PCIE devices to generate a wake event.


Enables the PCIE devices to generate a wake event.

Power On By PS/2 Keyboard [Disabled]

Allows you to disable or enable the Power On by PS/2 keyboard function.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Space Bar] [Ctrl-Esc] [Power Key]