1 introduction – Asus GigaX1104PS User Manual

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GigaX1104PS User's Manual

1 Introduction

Congratulations on becoming the owner of GigaX1104PS. Your
LAN (local area network) will now be able to support bandwidth-
hungry applications as the built-in gigabit switch provides up to 10
times of the speed of the 10/100M Ethernet switch. In addition, you
can relieve your computer from the print sharing task and let the
GigaX1104PS do it for your network.

1.1 Features

4-port Gigabit switch
Auto speed negotiation
9KB jumbo frame support
4K MAC address table with auto learning and aging
USB 1.1 port for connecting to a USB printer for print
sharing over the LAN
Web-based configuration – requires Microsoft Internet
Explorer 6.0 or later.

1.2 System Requirements

In order to configure the GigaX1104PS for printer sharing, you must

One computer containing an Ethernet 10Base-T or
100Base-T or 1000Base-T network interface card (NIC)
An Ethernet hub/switch, if you want to connect the printer
server to more than four computers on your network.
A web browser such as Internet Explorer 6.0 or later for
system configuration through the web-based GUI.

1.3 Using this Document