Asus M2N32-SLI Deluxe User Manual
Page 24

5. Configure the
security settings (if
have) in the Wireless
Network Property
page. Select the key
type, key length and
input the keys. Click
Finish to apply the
settings and return to
the setup wizard.
Ask your network administrator for the wireless AP settings. The WiFi-AP
Solo™ settings must be identical with the wireless AP it connects to.
6. Setting up the TCP/IP for your
computer. If DHCP server function
is enabled on the AP, you can
automatically get the IP address,
subnet mask, gateway and DNS
server from the AP by selecting
Automatically obtain IP address
Automatically obtain DNS
server. If DHCP server is disabled
or not supported on the AP,
you must manually input these
parameters. When the settings
are complete, click
Finish to exit the
setup wizard.
If DHCP server is disabled on the wireless AP in your network, refer to your
network administrator for a valid IP address.