SENA ProBee-ZU10 User Manual

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ProBee-ZU10 User Guide Rev.1.5

after the input released again. If this input is pressed while the ZU10 starts, the local node enters

bootloader menu and it is possible to upload the firmware.


Using Terminal Software for AT Commands

Once the hardware installation is complete, the ZU10 unit is ready to communicate with the computer

using the AT commands using a terminal emulation software. You can use any kind of terminal emulation

software. This document assumes HyperTerminal is used. If you are using Windows Vista or 7,

HyperTerminal is no longer included in the Windows so you need to download HyperTerminal from the

Internet. For more details on HyperTerminal, please refer to Microsoft web page.

Once the HyperTerminal is installed, launch HyperTerminal and select the serial port that is connected to

the ZU10 adapter and enter the serial settings to use. The default serial settings of the ZU10 are 9600

bps, 8 data bit, none parity, 1 stop bit, none flow control.

Figure 2-3 HyperTerminal Serial Settings

To display the AT commands that are being typed, you need to enable the local echo option on the

HyperTerminal. To enable this option, Go to File->Properties->Settings->ASCII setup and select the

“Echo typed characters locally” option. To verify the connection, type AT and press the Enter key. If the

AT command is accepted by the ZU10, OK string will be displayed on the screen.