Ocean Optics External Triggering Options Instructions for Spectrometers with Firmware Version 3.0 and Above User Manual

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External Triggering Options Instructions for FW 3.0 and Above



checked. If the FIFO is empty and a new spectrum is requested by the software, a new acquisition will
begin. If either condition is false, additional Idle Cycles will be generated until both conditions are true.

For the HR2000+, USB2000+, and USB4000, this is also referred to as the nonbuffering mode because
only one spectrum is stored within the FPGA and not multiple spectra. In this scenario, ReadEnable is
generated by the software/firmware to initiate each new acquisition. Since only one spectrum is stored at
a time in the FPGA, a new integration cannot be started until the FIFO data has been fully retrieved by the

For the QE65000 and Maya2000Pro, integrations are continuously performed with the most recent three
spectra available to the software. If the software fails to retrieve spectra as new data is acquired, older
data gets dropped in favor of newer data.

For the QE Pro, there are no idle cycles that drop new spectra; all new spectra are stored in the buffer and
are available to the user (if buffering is enabled). If the buffer limit is exceeded (15,698), the oldest
spectrum is automatically discarded to make room for the new spectrum. The user can clear the buffer at
any time.

Normal Mode Timing Sequence