B&B Electronics 855-12840--49 - Manual User Manual

Page 13

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Pulsing FiberAlert

Pulsing FiberAlert minimizes the problems associated with the loss of one strand
of fiber. If a strand is unavailable, the device at the receiver end notes the loss of
link. The device will stop transmitting data and start sending link pulses. Until a
valid link is received, the fiber link LED will be OFF on the device on the receiver
side of the fiber strand with the fault while the fiber Link LED on the other unit
will blink. Pulsing FiberAlert notifies a local site administrator of a fault, allowing
quick determination of where a cable fault resides.


Pulsing FiberAlert can be enabled on BOTH sides of a conversion.

Using FiberAlert and LinkLoss (All Models without LFPT

The following chart provides an overview of the troubleshooting features, their
functionality and the recommended settings for a pair of media converters in a
typical central/main site to remote site application:

LinkLoss / FiberAlert Comparison


Fault Location

Disabled LED

Enable at:

FX LinkLoss


Twisted Pair

Main Site Only

TX LinkLoss

Twisted Pair


Remote Site Only


Fiber Fiber Remote



For more information about these features, refer to their specific sections.

Configuring LinkLoss and FiberAlert