Settings – B&B Electronics LDVDSV2-S-P9D - Manual User Manual

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OBDII Streamer Command & Response


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The following variables make up all of the settings that should be known or changed
when using the OBDII Streamer.


The OBDII Streamer is capable of transmitting messages to the host automatically based
on user set criteria. By default these messages are disabled.

Time Based Updates

“Time Based” updates will provide an update of all enabled parameters at every time
interval specified by the user.

Time based updating will work simultaneously with “Threshold Based” updating and “As
Requested” updating.

Threshold Based Updates

“Threshold Based Updating” will send an update to the host whenever an enabled
parameter with threshold checking enabled exceeds the threshold.

“Threshold Based” updating will work simultaneously with “Time Based” updating and
“As Requested” updating.

As Requested Updates

“As Requested” update mode allows the host to request a single parameter, or all
parameters, at any time and receive a snapshot of the parameter values.

“As Requested” update mode is not an exclusive mode. This means that “Time Based”,
and “Threshold Based” update modes can be enabled and parameters can still be
requested at any time.


The BAUD rate setting is only applicable to the RS-232 serial version of the OBDII
Streamer. The BAUD rate will default to 115.2kbps.


The OEM_ID field is available for the customer to program as they choose. This field is
10 bytes long and defaults to “LDV_OEM_ID”.

An example use of this field is to key the software to a particular piece of hardware.