Security fuse usage, Atmel cmos plds, Using the atv2500bs many advanced features – Rainbow Electronics ATV2500BQL User Manual
Page 12: Programming software support, Erasure characteristics, Atv2500b(q)(l)

Security Fuse Usage
A single fuse is provided to prevent unauthorized copying
of ATV2500B fuse patterns. Once programmed, the out-
puts will read programmed during verify. The security fuse
should be programmed last, as its effect is immediate.
T h e s e c u r i t y f u s e a l s o i n h i b i t s P r e l o a d a n d Q 2
The ATV2500Bs utilize an advanced 0.65-micron CMOS
EPROM technology. This technology’s state of the art fea-
tures are the optimum combination for PLDs:
• CMOS technology provides high speed, low power, and
high noise immunity.
• EPROM technology is the most cost effective method for
producing PLDs – surpassing bipolar fusible link
technology in low cost, while providing the necessary
• EPROM reprogrammability, which is 100% tested before
shipment, provides inherently better programmability and
reliability than one-time fusible PLDs.
Using the ATV2500Bs Many Advanced
The ATV2500Bs advanced flexibility packs more usable
ga tes in to 4 4 le ads th an ot he r PLDs. Som e of th e
ATV2500Bs key features are:
• Fully Connected Logic Array – Each array input is
always available to every product term. This makes logic
placement a breeze.
• Selectable D- and T-Type Registers – Each ATV2500B
flip-flop can be individually configured as either D- or T-
type. Using the T-type configuration, JK and SR flip-flops
are also easily created. These options allow more
efficient product term usage.
• Buried Combinatorial Feedback – Each macrocell’s
Q2 register may be bypassed to feed its input (D/T2)
directly back to the logic array. This provides further logic
expansion capability without using precious pin
• Selectable Synchronous/Asynchronous Clocking –
Each of the ATV2500Bs flip-flops has a dedicated clock
product term. This removes the constraint that all
registers use the same clock. Buried state machines,
counters and registers can all coexist in one device while
running on separate clocks. Individual flip-flop clock
source selection further allows mixing higher
performance pin clocking and flexible product term
clocking within one design.
• A Total of 48 Registers – The ATV2500B provides two
flip-flops per macrocell – a total of 48. Each register has
its own clock and reset terms, as well as its own sum
• Independent I/O Pin and Feedback Paths – Each I/O
pin on the ATV2500B has a dedicated input path. Each
of the 48 registers has its own feedback term into the
array as well. These features, combined with individual
product terms for each I/O’s output enable, facilitate true
bi-directional I/O design.
• Combinable Sum Terms – Each output macrocell’s
three sum terms may be combined into a single term.
This provides a fan in of up to 12 product terms per sum
term with no speed penalty.
Programming Software Support
As with all other Atmel PLDs, several third party PLD devel-
opment software products and programmers will support
the ATV2500Bs.
S e v e r a l t h i r d p a r t y p r o g r a m m e r s w i l l s u p p o r t t h e
ATV2500B as well. Additionally, the ATV2500B may be
programmed to perform the ATV2500H/Ls functional sub-
set (no T-type flip-flops, pin clocking or D/T2 feedback)
using the ATV2500H/L JEDEC file. In this case, the
ATV2500B becomes a direct replacement or speed
upgrade for the ATV2500H/L (additional GND connections
are required). Please refer to the Programmable Logic
Development Tools section for a complete PLD software
and programmer listing.
Erasure Characteristics
The entire memory array of an ATV2500B is erased after
exposure to ultraviolet light at a wavelength of 2537 Å.
Complete erasure is assured after a minimum of 20 min-
utes exposure using 12,000 µW/cm
intensity lamps
spaced one inch away from the chip. Minimum erase time
for lamps at other intensity ratings can be calculated from
the minimum integrated erasure dose of 15 W
. To
prevent unintentional erasure, an opaque label is recom-
mended to cover the clear window on any UV erasable
PLD which will be subjected to continuous fluorescent
indoor lighting or sunlight.