Frame - system - main - midi, Midi setup page introduction – TC Electronic DB8 MKII User Manual

Page 36

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frame - sysTem - maIn - mIDI

Normal mode

In Normal mode all banks can be accessed for program

changes. Bank selection is done via Ctrl 0 (MSB) and

Ctrl 32 (LSB):

• Controller 0 must be set to 0 in all cases.

• Controller 32 value must match the bank number you

wish to address according to the table below.

Ctrl 32 value 0 - F1:

Loudness, Stereo

Ctrl 32 value 1 - F2:

Loudness, Multichannel

Ctrl 32 value 2 - F3:


Ctrl 32 value 3 - F4:

Format Conversion

Ctrl 32 value 4 - F5:


Ctrl 32 value 5 - F6:

Delay and EQ

Ctrl 32 value 6 - F7:


Ctrl 32 value 7 - F8:

Monitor and Lineup

Ctrl 32 value 8 - F9:


Ctrl 32 value 9 - F10:


Ctrl 32 value 10 - F11:


Ctrl 32 value 11 - F12:


Ctrl 32 value 12 - F13:


Ctrl 32 value 13 - F14:


Ctrl 32 value 32 -

User bank

Ctrl 32 value 64 -

Card Bank 1

Ctrl 32 value 65 -

Card Bank 2

Ctrl 32 value 66 -

Card Bank 3

- - - - -

Ctrl 32 value 73 -

Card Bank 10


You wish to recall preset 5 from the Loudness, Stereo

bank. According to the table above:

• Set Ctrl 0 to “0” and Ctrl 32 to “0” and send program

change no 5.

SysEx Device ID

Range: 0 to 126

Select SysEx ID for the Mainframe.


Range: Normal or 19.2

This parameter sets the Baud Rate / MIDI transfer rate.

The default setting is “Normal”. However, “19.2” may be

better suited for external master control programs as found

in broadcast stations.

MIDI Setup Page


MIDI Channels

To recall presets for Scene, Routing and Engines 1 to 4

you must first setup individual MIDI channels for these


In the example above MIDI channels 1 to 4 ar set up for

Engines 1 to 4 respectively and channel 5 to access Scene

presets and channel 6 to access Routing presets.

Bank Mode

The Bank mode settings determine the destination bank

of the received program change on the specified MIDI


Normal mode:

This mode requires that the external sending MIDI device

can send both Controller 0 and 32 in addition to MIDI

program changes. This is an essential feature to recall

presets from a device holding more than 128 preset

locations. (see table in next column for details)

Factory and User mode:

These modes will force any incoming program change

to access either Factory or User banks directly and are

typically used if your sending MIDI device cannot send

Controllers 0 and 32 as described above.