Updating db4/db8 mkii software, Updating your software, Central server (mothership) setup – TC Electronic DB8 MKII User Manual

Page 19: Two networks - two sets og ip addresses

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HW & installation

upDaTInG Db4/Db8 mKII sOfTware

Updating your software:

• Download the software from:

and place the software in a

shared folder on the “central


• Select the frame you are about to update

• Go to the Frame-System-Update-Frame page

• Then set the Update Folder path to the shared folder

• Press Update SW

• Repeat for DSP and NET (Ethernet)

Example: PC update folder path

Example: MAC update folder path

Log File,
As explained on the previous page, a log file of the update

can be obtained for service purposes. The file is saved at

the location where the software is uploaded from. The file

lists the result of the operation and can be opened with

most text editors.

The file is saved in the same folder as the software is

placed and read/write access for that folder must be set.

Central Server (MotherShip) setup

This is a typical setup in larger studio facilities with several

rooms, where you place software updates and e.g. a preset

vault on a central server/computer in a shared folder.

The illustration on the previous pages shows two studios

and a central server with internet access.

LAN 1 TC Network connects:
- Local DB4/DB8 Mainframes

- Local Remote CPU LAN 1

- E.g. PC/Mac running the TC Icon Editor

LAN 2 Internet
- Connects to central server and internet

To learn about shared folders please refer to the sections:

- Shared folders PC - basics

- Shared folders Mac - basics

Two networks

- two sets og IP addresses

This setup includes two networks. The static “TC Network”

and the DHCP. Each network must use its own unique

group of IP addresses.

We assume that the Router in the uses the standard group

of IP addresses: 192.168.1.xx, and we must therefore

give TC Icon Remote CPU MKII’s LAN1 and all DB4/DB8

mainframes its own group.

E.g. 10.10.10.xx, where x is unique for each unit.

(please see illustration on the previous page)

- First change the IP addres of the DB4/DB8 Mainframes

to 10.10.10.x via the TC Icon Editor.

Reboot each frame

- Then change the LAN 1 IP address on the Remote CPU

MKII to e.g. 10.10.10.x

Reboot the Remote CPU MKII