Preset vault on central server, Presets, Automation presets – TC Electronic DB8 MKII User Manual
Page 20

preseT VaulT On CenTral serVer
In larger studio facilities with several studios, preset banks
and automation presets can be stored on a central server in
a setup similar to the one described on the previous pages.
We recommend creating two seperate shared folders on
the server. One for preset banks and one for automation
In the examples below we use the following folder names:
“S6Kpresets” - for preset banks
“S6Kautomation” - for automation presets
Presets are handled as entire Banks and you load/save an
entire bank between the server and your local DB4/DB8
MKII Mainframe. *
The exact path to the folder on the server must be entered
in the File Folder field on the Library bank page.
Example: Path to folder with presets banks - PC
Example: Path to folder with automation presets - Mac
* Detailed description on bank handling is described in the
manual section “Library Bank”.
Automation Presets
Automation presets are stored and recalled directly to and
from a shared folder on the central server.
The exact path to the folder on the server must be entered
in the Folder Path field on the Auto File page.
Example: Path to folder with presets banks - PC
Example: Path to folder with automation presets - Mac
To learn about shared folders please refer to the sections:
- Shared folders PC - basics
- Shared folders Mac - basics