9921-fs function submenu list and descriptions – Cobalt Digital FUSION 3G 9921-FS 3G_HD_SD Frame Sync User Manual
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9921-FS Function Submenu List and Descriptions
9921-FS-OM (V1.15)
• Auto Downmix (Option +ADM)
Provides an automatic downmix using alternate channels if designated
stereo pair lose signals. If content level drops below configurable threshold,
primary channel content is replaced with content downmixed from alternate
• Auto Downmix enables or disables auto downmixing for the four
• Downmix Threshold sets the threshold (in input dBFS) at which content
above the threshold maintains primary channel use.
• Primary to Downmix Holdoff sets the time allowed for below-threshold
primary content before downmix failover is engaged.
• Downmix to Primary Holdoff sets the time allowed, when primary is
noted to be above threshold, before primary content is again engaged for
Note: • Default threshold and holdoff settings shown here are recommended
for typical use.
• For Failover indicator to properly function and for automatic
downmix to route to card processing, downmix output channels from
this function must be routed to a pair of card internal bus channels.
(For example, if primary channels Emb1/Emb2 were to be routed to
card internal bus channels Bus1/Bus 2, when using this function,
route Downmix A(L) and Downmix A(R) instead to Bus 1/Bus 2.)
Table 3-2
9921-FS Function Submenu List — continued
Auto Downmix monitors designated
primary channels for up to four
downmixers (primary channels Lp
and Rp as Emb 1 and Emb 2 in the
• If these channels maintain levels
above a selected threshold,
primary channels Lp and Rp pass
unaffected (as indicated by
Failover indicator showing
• If these channels fall below a
selected threshold for a specified
selected period, downmixed
content replaces the primary
channels (as indicated by Failover
indicator showing Downmix).