Operating instructions, 9921-fs function submenu list and descriptions – Cobalt Digital FUSION 3G 9921-FS 3G_HD_SD Frame Sync User Manual

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9921-FS-OM (V1.15)



Operating Instructions

9921-FS Function Submenu List and Descriptions


• Auto Audio Failover (Option +AFO)

Provides conditional failover to any alternate (secondary) audio channel
received by the card if designated primary channel choice loses signals.

Both source (primary channel) and Secondary Source (failover) choices
offer from the full complement of source choices described on the previous

Table 3-2

9921-FS Function Submenu List — continued

In the example here, bus channels 1 thru 4 have primary sources as Emb Ch 1, Emb Ch 2, AES Ch 1, and AES Ch 2. In the
example, AES Ch 1 and AES Ch 2 have experienced signal loss and have failed over to selected choices Analog Ch 1 and
Analog Ch 2 (as shown by the Secondary Failover indication for these primary channels).

Audio Failover
master enable/
disable control

Failover controls set the conditions that comprise a loss of audio event, and also a transition back to primary channels.

• If the selected channels maintain levels above the selected Audio Failover Threshold, no triggering is invoked.

• If these channels fall below the selected threshold for period specified by the Primary to Secondary Holdoff control, the

primary channels are replaced with the designated secondary channels.

Secondary to Primary Holdoff control sets the time in which the trigger is revoked upon resumption of primary channel


Note: Default threshold and holdoff settings shown here are recommended for typical use.