Event based preset loading, Event based preset loading -54, 9921-fs function submenu list and descriptions – Cobalt Digital FUSION 3G 9921-FS 3G_HD_SD Frame Sync User Manual

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9921-FS Function Submenu List and Descriptions



9921-FS-OM (V1.15)


• Save/Delete Protect Button

Locks and unlocks editing of presets to prevent accidental overwrite as

Unprotected: Allows preset Save and Delete buttons to save or delete

current card settings to the selected preset. Use this setting when
writing or editing a preset.

Protected: Toggle to this setting to lock down all presets from being

inadvertently re-saved or deleted. Use this setting when all presets are
as intended.

Note: When toggling between button modes, make sure to wait for the card

Settings status indicator to turn green before moving on.

Event Based Preset Loading

Event-based loading allows a defined preset to be
automatically engaged upon various received signal
status. Event-based loading is particularly useful for
automated card setup when transitioning from normal
processing to processing supporting an alternate format.

Up to 64 individual events can be defined and detected.

Note: • Event Based Preset loading is not passive and can result in very significant and unexpected card control and signal

processing changes if not properly used. If event based presets are not to be used, make certain the Event Based Preset
button is set to Disabled.

• Because event based preset loading applies card control changes by invoking presets, loading conditions cannot be nested

within a called preset (event-based loading settings performed here cannot be saved to presets).

• Event Preset Load Select Controls

Event based preset loading checks for up to three conditions (as described
below) to all be true, and then invokes a selected preset when an ANDed
true occurs. Up to 64 discrete events can be defined, with Event 1 having
highest priority of engagement, and subsequently numbered events
engaging in descending priority when true.

Event-Based Preset Loading provides a global enable or disable for this

Event status indicator shows if a defined event is true and has been
automatically engaged.

Acquired Video Format is condition A for three conditions comprising the
overall event statement. Drop-down selector allows input video format
received as condition A.

Dolby Decoder Detected Format is condition B for three conditions
comprising the overall event statement. Drop-down selector allows Dolby
format received by the card Dolby decoder as condition B.

Audio Silence Event Detected is condition C for three conditions
comprising the overall event statement. See Audio Silence Configuration on
page 3-56 for more information.

If A*B*C = True, Go To: selects the card preset to go to when the defined
conditions are true.

Note: • Any of the three conditions above can be set as a wildcard for any

event definition by selecting Don’t Care for the condition.

• Cards not equipped with Dolby decoder (option +DEC) do not have

Dolby Decoder Detected Format (B) event column.

• Make certain Go To: for any event screening not to be used is set

for No Preset. This prevents an event from unintentionally invoking a

Table 3-2

9921-FS Function Submenu List — continued