Introduction – Cobalt Digital FUSION 3G 9921-FS 3G_HD_SD Frame Sync User Manual

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9921-FS-OM (V1.15)




9921-FS Functional Description

DashBoard™ User Interface – Using DashBoard™, the 9921-FS
and other cards installed in openGear®


frames such as the Cobalt


HPF-9000 or 8321 Frame can be controlled from a computer and

DashBoard™ allows users to view all frames on a network with
control and monitoring for all populated slots inside a frame. This
simplifies the setup and use of numerous modules in a large
installation and offers the ability to centralize monitoring. Cards
define their controllable parameters to DashBoard™, so the control
interface is always up to date.

The DashBoard™ software can be downloaded from the Cobalt
Digital Inc. website: (enter “DashBoard” in
the search window). The DashBoard™ user interface is described in
Chapter 3,“Operating Instructions”.


If network remote control is to be used for the frame and the frame has not yet

been set up for remote control, Cobalt


reference guide Remote Control

User Guide (PN 9000RCS-RM) provides thorough information and
step-by-step instructions for setting up network remote control of COMPASS




cards using DashBoard™. (Cobalt


OGCP-9000 and

OGCP-9000/CC Remote Control Panel product manuals have complete
instructions for setting up remote control using a Remote Control Panel.)

Download a copy of this guide by clicking on the Support>Documents>
Reference Guides
link at and then select DashBoard
Remote Control Setup Guide as a download, or contact Cobalt


as listed in

Contact Cobalt Digital Inc. (p. 1-32).



OGCP-9000, OGCP-9000/CC and WinOGCP Remote

Control Panels – The OGCP-9000, OGCP-9000/CC, and WinOGCP
Remote Control Panels conveniently and intuitively provide
parameter monitor and control of the cards within the 20-slot frame.

The remote control panels allow quick and intuitive access to
hundreds of cards in a facility, and can monitor and allow adjustment
of multiple parameters at one time.

The remote control panels are totally compatible with the openGear


control software DashBoard™; any changes made with either system
are reflected on the other.

1. openGear® is a registered trademark of Ross Video Limited. DashBoard™ is a trademark of Ross
Video Limited.