Cobalt Digital FUSION 3G 9921-FS 3G_HD_SD Frame Sync User Manual
Page 18

9921-FS Functional Description
9921-FS-OM (V1.15)
As such, the audio subsection provides a full crosspoint between all supported
audio inputs and output formats. The audio subsection allows choices from
the following audio inputs:
16 channels of de-embedded audio from the SDI program video path
Up to 16 channels (8 pairs) of discrete AES input
Up to 8 channels of balanced analog audio input
Up to 10 channels of decoded Dolby
E or AC-3 audio
Digital silence (mute) setting
The audio subsection allows routing to the following audio outputs:
16 channels of embedded audio on the SDI output
Up to 16 channels of discrete AES output on eight AES pairs
Up to 8 channels of balanced analog audio output
Practical AES channel count handled by the card is 8 pairs, of which each
pair can be user GUI-selectable as an input or output.
All embedded and AES channels have status displays that show the following
for each channel pair:
PCM signal presence
Dolby E signal presence
Dolby Digital signal presence
Missing (no signal detected)
Embedded, AES, and analog input channel pairs also have displays showing
slow-ballistics true peak levels for each pair. Embedded and AES channels at
digital silence signal level show Mute; analog channels with levels below -96
dBFS digital equivalent show Silence.
Output audio rates are always 48 kHz locked to output video, but discrete
AES inputs can pass through the sample rate converters to align these inputs
with the output timing. Output AES is always precisely synchronized with the
output video. The balanced analog audio input is sampled at 48 kHz with a
+24 dBu clipping level (+24 dBu => 0 dBFS).
AES Dolby-encoded inputs routed directly to card optional Dolby decoder are
detected and use a special path that automatically bypasses SRC.