Battery chargng telephone base layout, Getting started, Battery charging – VTech CS6114-2 (with LED) Manual User Manual

Page 8: Telephone base layout

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Getting started

Battery charging

Once you have nstalled the battery, the screen ndcates the battery

status (see the table below). If necessary, place the handset n the

telephone base or charger to charge the battery. For best performance,

keep the handset n the telephone base or charger when not n use. The

battery s fully charged after 16 hours of contnuous chargng. See the table

on page 27 for battery operatng tmes.
If the screen s blank, you need to charge the handset wthout nterrupton

for at least 30 mnutes to gve the handset enough charge to use the

telephone for a short tme. When the battery s low, the handset dsplays

Low battery along with a flashing con. If you are on a call n low battery

mode, the handset beeps every 50 seconds.
The followng table summarzes the battery charge ndcators and actons

to take.

Battery ndcators

Battery status


The screen s blank,

or dsplays

Place in

charger and



Battery has very lttle or

no charge. The handset

cannot be used.

Charge wthout nterrupton

(at least 30 mnutes).

The screen dsplays

Low battery and


Battery has enough

charge to be used for a

short tme.

Charge wthout nterrupton

(about 30 mnutes).

The screen dsplays


--:-- --/--.

Battery s charged.

To keep the battery charged,

place t n the telephone

base or charger when not

n use.

If you place the handset n the telephone base or charger wthout pluggng

n the battery, the screen dsplays

No battery.


Press once and then release to page

all system handsets (page 14).

IN USE lght
On when the handset s n use.
Flashes quckly when there s an

ncomng call.
Flashes when another telephone

sharng the same lne s n use.

Telephone base layout