Velleman projects K8039 Assembly instructions User Manual

Page 17

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In normal mode (JP2 not mounted) the dimmer reacts every time, i.e. as fast as possible to the destined
DMX value. In this mode it is possible to make fast yet fluid fading effects.

When the error correction mode is enabled (JP2 mounted) the set luminosity will be more stable. It may be
necessary with some brands of DMX equipment.
Due to the high tolerance in the DMX protocol not all DMX controllers run stable together with the DMX fix-

In this mode, an identical value has to be read twice by a DMX channel until the dimmer modifies the lumi-
nosity. The drawback is that the dimmer’s reaction time will slow down when changing the light intensity rap-

DMx error correction

28. DMX error correction mode (JP2 “mode”)