Lubrication – Spicer Drive Axles Service Manual Wheel Reduction Drive Axles (EA-50) User Manual
Page 8
following the directions contained in this
manual. The following lubrication instructions
represent the most current recommendations
from the Dana Corporation, Axle & Brake
Lube Sampling and Condition
For information, contact your local Spicer
representation at phone numbers listed on the
back cover of this manual.
Make-up Lube
Maximum amount of non-synthetic make-up
lube is 10%.
Viscosity/Ambient Temperature
The following chart lists the various SAE
Grades covered by MIL-2105D and the
associated ambient temperature range for
each. Those SAE Grades shown with an
asterisk (*) are available in the Spicer
family of synthetic gear lubricants.
The lowest ambient temperatures covered by
this chart are -40
F and -40
C. Lubrication
recommendations for those applications that
consistently operate below this temperature
range, must be obtained through the Dana
Corporation, Axle & Brake Division.
Ambient Temperature Range
F to -15
F (-40
C to -26
F to 80
F (-40
C to 27
F and above (-40
C and above)
F to 100
F (-26
C to 38
F and above (-26
C and above)
F and above (-12
C and above)
The ability of a drive axle to deliver quiet,
trouble-free operation over a period of years is
largely dependent upon the use of good quality
gear lubricants in correct quantities. The most
satisfactory results can be obtained by
Approved Lubricants
Gear lubricants acceptable under military
specification (MILSPEC) MIL-L-2105D
(Lubricating Oils, Gear Multipurpose) are
approved for use in Spicer Drive Axles. The
MlL-L-2105D specification defines performance
and viscosity requirements for multigrade oils. It
supersedes both MIL-L-2105B, MIL-L-2105C
and cold weather specification MIL-L-10324A.
This specification applies to both petroleum-
based and synthetic-based gear lubricants if
they appear on the most current “Qualified
Products List” (QPL-2105) for MIL-L-2105D.
The use of separate oil additives and/or
friction modifiers are not approved for use in
Spicer Drive Axles.
Synthetic Based
Synthetic-based gear lubricants exhibit
superior thermal and oxidation stability, and
generally degrade at a lower rate when
compared to petroleum-based lubricants. The
performance characteristics of these lubricants
include extended change intervals, improved
fuel economy, better extreme temperature
operation, reduced wear and cleaner
component appearance. The family of Spicer
gear lubricants represent apremium quality
synthetic lube that fully meets or exceeds the
requirements of MIL-L-2105D.These products
available in both 75W-90 and80W-140, have
demonstrated superior performance in
comparison to others qualified under the
MILSPEC, as proven by extensive laboratory
and field testing.