1 introduction, Introduction – Soft dB Opus Suite Building Vib Module User Manual
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Opus Building Vib User Guide – V1.1b
1 Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the Opus Suite Building Vib Module.
The Opus Software Suite is a Sound and Vibration software with six measurement modules:
SLM 4ch module : 4 channels, Class 1 conform to IEC 60651, IEC 60804, IEC 61672‐1
SLM & 3Vib module :
1 SLM channel (same as SLM 4ch module) and 3 vibration channels
conform to ISO 2631‐1
Data Logger module
RT‐60 module
Building Vib module
Intensity module
The Opus Suite is intended to run on a Concerto. The software can also be installed on a computer if
an Alto‐6ch or an I‐Track unit is connected. Moreover, some post‐processing functions are available
on a PC even if no compatible unit is detected.
The current user’s manual describes the Building Vib Module.
General Specifications – Building Vib Module
Event recording on triggered vibration value
Vibration time signals recording
Acoustic time signal and SPL Time History recording
User defined event recording length
Continuous monitoring
3 channels (X, Y and Z) – (triaxial accelerometer)
240 Hz Bandwidth
Acceleration, Velocity and Displacement
USBM RI 8507 and DIN 4150
1 channel
Slow, Fast and Impulse SPL global levels
A, C and Z SPL frequency weighting
50 ms to 0.5 s SPL sampling rate
Wave recordings for monitoring