Soft dB Mk3-PLL Open Source SPM Controller & PLL Spec sheet User Manual

Open source spm controller & pll model mk3-pll

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Open Source SPM Controller & PLL

Model Mk3-PLL

The Open Source SPM Controller & PLL can be used as:


a SPM controller


a controller with an embedded PLL, or


a stand alone PLL

This MK3-PLL model is fully compatible with the SPM control software
developed by the GXSM Group. This model has more computational power and
memory than the MK2-A810 model for further developments and improvements
of the next generation of the GXSM control code.

One of the great innovation of this model is an embedded PLL function.

Key Features oF the PLL ModuLe

This highly optimized software PLL module is based on an innovative
phase/amplitude detector. This module is embedded in the SPM controller
firmware code.

1040, avenue Belvédère, bureau 215, Québec (Québec) G1S 3G3 Canada


[email protected]


“Si(111)-7x7 reconstruction
Image provided by, D.v.Vörden,
M.Lange and R. Möller”

“Ultrathin Bi(111) film on
a Si(111)-7x7 substrate
Images provided by, C.A. Bobisch,
M.C. Cottin, J. Schaffert and R. Möller”

“Schematic Diagram
of the PLL”

The analog I/O board of this SPM controller Mk3-PLL model also includes a TCXO (temperature compensated crystal
oscillator), which greatly improves the PLL’s thermal stability and reduces its noise at low frequencies.