MSD 7730 Power Grid System - Controller Only Installation User Manual
Page 7

• W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M • ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0 • F A X ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4
This map will show all engine timing maps that are drawn based on rpm values such as timing curves per
gear. The information for all of these maps is accumulative in the software. In order to edit a particular timing
curve the user must go into the proper tab per function.
Start Retard: As part of the general engine timing curve, users can specify a start retard. While each engine
responds differently, the typical recommendation for a start retard is to to pull out 10° from 0 - 600
rpm. A variety of other ideas can be applied to a start retard, including ramping timing in as engine
rpm climbs. Use of such techniques is at the discretion of the user.
This program provides the ability to modify the timing curve for each gear. One curve can be created for
each gear, up to six, from 0 – 15,000 rpm in 0.1° increments for every 50 rpm. You can program up to 30
different points on each Gear Curve. The number of gears shown and how a shift is detected are dependent
on the selected values in the Settings tab.
In the Ignition Timing – Gear Curves tab, an individual curve is plotted for each gear. Each change made
for the gear curves references off of the Main Timing curve are set in the Engine RPM tab, not off of the
max timing reference. Gear curves are NOT cumulative; i.e. Retarding 1° in 2nd gear does not affect 3rd
gear settings.
Note: The gear curves are independent of each other. In order to make progressive changes, one gear’s
starting point must match the final timing of the previous gear’s curve. Leaving a gear curve unedited
will result in normal timing for that gear regardless of other gear curves ahead of or behind it.
Note: To control ICT an inductive pickup, PN 7555, is required.
To accomplish timing changes per cylinder the engine’s firing order must be entered first. Firing order is
programmed in the tab Ignition Timing – Individual Cylinder – Firing Order by numbering the order into the
Value column. Many common firing orders can also be imported from a database within the software; to do
so simply go to FileImport and open the “firing_order” folder where an engine description can be selected.
Similarly, if an engine uses a firing order not included in these options the settings can be exported to be
saved in the same file.
After the correct firing order is entered individual cylinder timing can be created by editing rules. Up to 10
rules can be entered to control various aspects of timing for a single cylinder at a time. Each rule has six
(6) values that can be controlled; Cylinder, Retard/Advance, Timing, From Gear, Delay, and Ramp Time. To
make a rule the first four control values must be entered, Delay and Ramp Time may be left at the default of
0 if desired. When timing is changed on an individual cylinder, in order to bring the cylinder back to original
timing an equivalent amount of timing must be used to offset (DO NOT use 0°). I.E. If cylinder two is retarded
by 3° in RULE 1, in order to put the timing back in the cylinder must be advanced in a later rule by 3°.
Cylinder: Double click this value to select the cylinder for which timing is to be altered.
Retard / Advance: Enter whether timing will be Retarded or Advanced. After using this option timing
changes will always be entered as a positive number.
Note: Engine timing cannot exceed the maximum timing reference. In order to advance timing, the main
timing map must be set below the maximum timing reference. I.E. If the crank trigger is at 40° the
main timing map is set to 35° there will be up to 5° of advance available.
Timing Change: Enter the amount of timing that is to be retarded or advanced. This value will always be
a positive number, regardless of whether advance or retard is desired.
From Gear: This setting determines from which gear the timing change will become active. If gear one is
selected the timing change will be active at all times unless a delay is used.