MSD 7730 Power Grid System - Controller Only Installation User Manual
Page 13

• W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M • ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0 • F A X ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4
Low Battery Voltage
EngineRPM > 500 AND Vbatt <
This alert activates when there is low battery voltage
9.0 for 5 seconds
with engine RPM. Make sure the 7730 is properly
connected to battery voltage.
High Battery Voltage
Vbatt > 18.0
This alert activates when there is high battery voltage.
Make sure the 7730 is properly connected to battery
Crank Sensor
This alert activates due to weak crank sensor signal. Make
sure the crank sensor is properly located according to
the installation instructions.
No CAM Sync
Engine RPM > 300 AND
This alert activates when individual cylinder timing has
been configured and no optical CAM sync signal is
detected. Make sure the optical CAM sync cable is
properly connected to the 7730.
12V Output
Current > 3A for 10 ms
This alert activates when there is too much load on
the 12V bus that is used to power accessory modules.
Make sure there are no short circuits and the 12V bus is
not overloaded.
Low SDcard Storage
This alert activiates when an SDCard is present and there
is less than 100 MB of storage available on the card.
Remove some data from the SDCard to remove this alert.
SDcard Initialization
This alert activates when the 7730 cannot initialize the
SDCard. Make sure you are using the MSD factory
supplied SDCard.
SDcard Write Error
This alert activates when the 7730 is unable to write to
the SDCard. Make sure you are using the MSD factory
supplied SDCard.
SDcard Read Error
This alert activates when the 7730 is unable to read
the SDCard. Make sure you are using the MSD factory
supplied SDCard.
SDcard Missing
SDcard not present AND data acquisition enabled AND
Engine is running.
Data Acquisition
DAQ memory buffer overflow
This alert activates if the interal data acquisition memory
buffer overflows. This will cause a recording to end
prematurely. Try deactivating some data acquisition
channels. Make sure you are using the MSD factory
supplied SDCard.
12V Output Overcurrent Current > 2A for 10 ms
This alert occurs when there is too much load on the 12V
bus that is used to power accessory modules. Make sure
the 12V bus is not overloaded.
This alert occurs if the 7730 is unable to recover
configuration data from its internal EEPROM memory.
The 7730 will attempt to recover a back-up stored in its
internal Flash memory. Verify your configuration settings
are correct. If this error occurs frequently, contact MSD
tech support for an RMA.
Individual Cylinder Timing Rule
Enabled AND no CAM Sync pulse
SDcard present AND SDCard Free
Storage < 100 MB
SDcard present AND Error
Initializing SDCard
SDcard present AND Error
writing to SDcard
SDcard present AND Error
reading to SDcard
SDcard not present AND data
a c q u i s i t i o n e n a b l e d A N D
EngineRPM > 0
Memory Overflow
Unable to read MFF data at startup
after 3 attempts
Weak Crank Sensor
Alert Alert
Alert Activation Conditions
Voltage Low
EEPROM Write Error
This alert occurs if the 7730 is unable to write data to its
internal EEPROM memory. If this error occurs frequently,
contact MSD tech support.
Data Acquisition
This alert activates if the internal data acquisition memory
buffer reaches a critical limit. This will cause some data
acquisition channels to be automatically disabled. Try
deactivating some data acquisition channels. Make sure
you are using the MSD factory supplied SDCard.
Unable to write any data to
EEPROM after 3 attempts
Memory Protection
DAQ memory buffer reaches
90% utilization