EVS XTAccess Version 1.10 - July 2009 User Manual User Manual
User’s manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Copyright
- Disclaimer
- Improvement Requests
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Hardware Recommendations
- 3. Software Installation
- 4. XSecure Management
- 5. Unicode and XTAccess
- 6. User Interface
- 7. XML Jobs Scan
- 8. Scan Folder
- 9. Backup of XT Clips to Files
- 10. Restore/Copy of Files to XT Server
- 11. Rendering of PlayList to one file
- 12. Backup of PlayList to files for NLE usage
- 13. File Rewrap
- 14. Transcoding Native XT codec on the fly
- 15. Transcoding files
- 16. Example of Encoder profiles
- 17. Examples of Configuration
- 18. Backup of XT Trains to Files
- 19. Transfer to Avid Transfer Manager
- 20. Transfer to Avid WebService
- 21. XT Copy
- 22. Render of PlayList from XT to XT
- 23. Integration with CleanEdit Suite
- 24. Grab Field from XT
- 25. Grab Field from File
- 26. Delete File from Disk
- 27. Delete Clip from XT
- 28. Cancel Job
- 29. XTAccess Troubleshooting