Setup menu: nearest airports – Garmin GPS 92 User Manual
Page 63

Updating the GPS 92’s Database
The GPS 92’s internal worldwide Jeppesen database
may be updated from a PC computer using GARMIN’s
optional PC Database Update Software and an interface
cable. Updates are available—every 28 days—from
Jeppesen or GARMIN on a subscription or one time basis.
Update instructions are provided with each update soft-
ware package. When performing a database update, select
the ‘GRMN/GRMN’ setting on the interface setup page.
Nearest Airports
The last listing on the setup menu is ‘Nearest Apt’,
which allows you to define the surface type and mini-
mum runway length used to calculate the nearest air-
ports. The options for runway surfaces are:
• Any: (Default setting) any runway, regardless of
surface type, including water landing facili-
• Hard Only: Only runways with a concrete, asphalt
or similar sealed surface.
• Hard or Soft: All runways except water landing.
• Water Only: Only water landing facilities.
To select a runway surface:
1. Highlight the runway surface field and press
2. Select the desired surface type and press
The nearest airport page allows you to designate a
minimum runway length used to determine the nine
nearest airports. The default setting is zero feet.
To enter a minimum runway length:
1. Highlight the ‘Minimum Length’ field and press
2. Enter the desired runway length and press
After a database update is
completed, the GPS 92 will
automatically display the
database page, showing the
effective date of the new
Selecting a minimum run-
way length.
Setup Menu:
92 manual 4/15/98 3:48 PM Page 57