Commands, Testing data transfer, Acrocomm programming manual – Acroprint AcroComm User Manual
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AcroComm Programming Manual
10.5. Commands
· Poll
Poll terminal transactions into Excel
· Configure
Configure program setup
· Pair Punch
Pair punches
· Sub-Total
Produce subtotal by employee
· Total Produce
· Sort
Sort by three fields
· Print Setup
Print spreadsheet info
· Delete Data
Delete all data
· Hide
Choose the columns to display
· Top
Adjust spreadsheet to top
· Arrows
Scroll up and down the spreadsheet
10.6. Testing Data Transfer
You are now ready to enter some punches in the Acroprint Terminal, try entering a few
Clock IN and Clock Out punches, then select poll button. The Excel Macro will begin to
communicate with the Acroprint terminal via AcroComm software first polling all the
punches and then clearing the terminals memory. The Acroprint Terminal data will be
displayed below the main menu in Excel sheet 2. If you need to collect Job Costing
information, the terminal keys can be customized to meet your specific needs by simply
changing the PROGRAM.CLK file and reprogramming the terminal via Acrocomm. In
the example provided function key 1 (F1) was set up to collect 4 data elements
(Department, Job, Step and Operation). The Main Menu diagram shows two examples
when Function key 1 (F1) was used to collect data. The F1 example setup Program.clk
file is included with the ACROCOMM setup disk.
If you experience communications problems, please check that the following are correct:
· Running Excel 97 or later
· Terminal set to ID=1, Baud=9600, Communications=RS232 or RS485
· Cable connected to the correct port on the Acroprint Terminal
· Working PC’s Communications port (COMM 1 only)
· Using the correct Adapter and cable assembly for RS232
· Using the correct Adapter/Converter and cable assembly for RS485