Acrocomm: command line, Acrocomm: c, Ommand – Acroprint AcroComm User Manual

Page 22: Acrocomm programming manual

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AcroComm Programming Manual

;To indicate the use of a modem
;Using the serial port COM2
;It indicates it is a network
;Clocks’ IDs
;ASCII numbers of characters 3 and 4
(“;” Denotes a Remark Statement)

Note that the BAUDS are not included because it takes the default value of

There is no limit to the number of clocks that can be connected on a network, but all clock
(IDs) must be included in the configuration file to prevent a malfunction in
communication. An ID must not be duplicated because it represents the logical address of
the clock.

The configuration file (configfile.ini) must be made known to the program using the
operator @, always on the first position of the parameters. If this file is not indicated, the
program will look for the file ACROCOMM.INI, and if it does not find this file, it will
take the default values.

2.3. ACROCOMM: Command Line

ACROCOMM can also work as a command line. The tasks that it is to perform are given
at the command line from DOS windows as parameters. The format is as follows:


[@configfile.ini] [-parameters...]

Where @configfile may be a set of the following commands:


The configfile can be any name (example, abz.ini ). The configfile
defaults to “.ini” file extension unless otherwise specified.
Example “abz” is considered “abz.ini” .

ACROCOMM [@abz.ini] [-parameters...]

ACROCOMM [@abz] [-parameters...]

No configfile

Without a configfile, the system looks for the acrocomm.ini file. If
the acrocomm.ini is not present on the system the following
defaults will be used:

ACROCOMM [-parameters...]

BAUDS 9600

Where -parameters may be a set of the following commands:


Select Clock with identification IdClock(character).