Acrocomm programming manual – Acroprint AcroComm User Manual
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AcroComm Programming Manual
4) The screen shows:
‘Date (DDMMYY):’,
to allow you to edit the date the swipe will have.
5) The screen shows:
‘Time (HHMM):’
to allow you to edit the time the swipe will have.
6) After editing the time and date, the program will continue to execute
as when a badge is swiped. It will ask for the function and will execute
The transaction searches are only done to transactions for the current day, and it
stops with the first transaction it finds. When a function to check lockout is
executed, and the lockout message does not allow the swipe, but in the same
message it allows the supervisor to allow the swipe; while the message is
displayed, if the supervisor swipes a supervisor badge, the swipe will be allowed.