Hama JFV65E User Manual
Page 10

Step 11: Add Carpet Glides
Gently tap a Carpet Glide (m) into each Leg (y), and into the locations shown in the Front Base Rails (w) and Side Base Rails (x). See
the Detailed View of Diagram 11 for assistance.
Detailed View
Diagram 11
Step 12: Add Shelves
Thread the Shelf Pin Screws (j) through the Shelf Pin (i) and into the panel as shown in the Detailed View of Diagram 12. Tighten Shelf
Pin Screws with a Phillips screw driver. Repeat the process until all 12 of the shelf pins are in place. Place Shelves (u,v) in cabinet so
they will fit on top of the Shelf Pins. Press down on Shelf firmly until it locks into place.
Note: The connectors on the Side Shelves (u) are closer to the front and back of the shelf than they are on the Middle Shelf (v).
The two identical Shelves are the Outside Shelves.
Detailed View
Diagram 12
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