Synthesizing a design, Synplicity synplify, Verilog – Xilinx LogiCore PCI v3.0 User Manual

Page 43: Chapter 5: synthesizing a design, Chapter 5, “synthesizing a design, Chapter 5

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PCI v3.0.151 Getting Started Guide


UG157 August 31, 2005


Chapter 5

Synthesizing a Design

This chapter describes how to synthesize the ping64 example design with global clocks
using the supported synthesis tools. For the PCI 32 interface, substitute ping32 for ping64. If
you are using a design with reference clocks, substitute pcim_top with pcim_top_r and
ping_tb with ping_tb_r.

Supported synthesis tools include

Synplicity Synplify v7.3

Exemplar LeonardoSpectrum v2003a

Xilinx XST

Synplicity Synplify

Before attempting to synthesize a design, ensure that the Synplicity Synplify environment
is properly configured.



Start Synplify and choose File > New, or click the new file icon on the toolbar. The New
dialog box appears.


Under File Type, select Project File and enter the project name (flowtest in this example)
and synthesis directory:



Click OK to exit the dialog box and return to the project window.

Figure 5-5:

Create a New Project