Xilinx ML403 User Manual

Summary, Included systems, Required hardware/tools

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XAPP979 (v1.0) February 26, 2007


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This application note describes how to build a reference system for the On-Chip Peripheral Bus
Inter IC (OPB IIC) core using the IBM PowerPC™ 405 Processor (PPC405) based embedded
system in the ML403 Embedded Development Platform. The reference system is Base System
Builder (BSB) based.

An IIC primer is given and an OPB IIC register reference is provided. The Xilinx Microprocessor
Debugger (XMD) commands are used for verifying that the OPB IIC core operates correctly.
Several software projects illustrate how to configure the OPB IIC core, set up interrupts, and do
read and write operations. Some of the software projects interface the OPB IIC to the
MicroChip 24LC04B serial EEPROM with an IIC interface, while others interface to the
TotalPhase Aardvark Adapter, which provides IIC master and slave functionality. The procedure
for using ChipScope™ to analyze OPB IIC functionality is provided. The steps used to build a
Linux kernel using MontaVista are listed. Simulation output files for analyzing basic IIC
transactions are provided.


This application note includes one reference system:

The project name used in is ml403_ppc_opb_iic.


Users must have the following tools, cables, peripherals, and licenses available and installed:

Xilinx EDK 8.2.02i

Xilinx ISE 8.2.03

Xilinx Download Cable (Platform Cable USB or Parallel Cable IV)

Monta Vista Linux v2.4 Development Kit

Modeltech ModelSim v6.1d

ChipScope v8.2

Application Note: Embedded Processing

XAPP979 (v1.0) February 26, 2007

Reference System: OPB IIC Using the
ML403 Evaluation Platform

Author: Paul Glover, Ed Meinelt, Lester Sanders