Yamaha AR-100 User Manual
Page 40

Voice Controls and Effects
Controls volume and timbre according to the velocity at which you play the keys. The
harder you strike the keys, the greater the volume and the brighter the timbre will become.
Range: 1 (no Initial Touch effect) – 7 (maximum effect)
• AFTER Touch
Controls volume and timbre according to the pressure you
apply to the keys after playing them. The harder you press
down on the keys, the greater the volume and the brighter the
timbre will become. Range: 1 (no After Touch effect) – 7
(maximum effect)
Determines the octave setting of the Voice. PRESET is the original (factory) setting; 4’ is the
highest and 16’ is the lowest.
Determines the effect type applied to the Voice section. This is essentially an on/off switch
for the effects; settings and adjustments to the effects are made from other pages. (For more
information, see page 33.)
• PRESET: Selects the original (factory) effect.
• OFF: Cancels the effect.
• TREM. (Tremolo): Selects the Tremolo effect. (See page 39.)
• SYMPH. (Symphonic): Selects the Symphonic/Celeste effect.
(See page 37.)
• DELAY: Selects the Delay effect. (See page 38.)
• FLANG. (Flanger): Selects the Flanger effect. (See page 38.)
Determines the position of the Voice in the stereo image. Seven
Pan positions are available.
5 BRILL. (Brilliance)
Determines the timbre or tone of the Voice. Higher settings
make the Voice brighter.
Range: -3 – +3
Fine adjustment of the Voice volume. (See page 16 for more information on Voice volume.)
Range: 0 – 24
The actual sound of the effect
may not be noticeable even
when selected here, if the
corresponding settings in the
Effect Set page (see page 37) are
not appropriate.
The Pan effect is displayed and
active only when other effects
are set to OFF (in the EFFECT
parameter above).
These effects are applied in
different degrees depending on
the type of Voice you’ve
Generally, After Touch has no
effect on percussive Voices
(such as Piano, Harpsichord, or
Vibraphone) or percussion