Xerox 96 User Manual
Page 14

Major system components
The IPS has the following main components, each of which is
described in greater detail in later chapters of this guide:
Printer Controller
The Printer Controller accepts IPDS data from the host, processes
the data, and sends it to the printer using the IPS operating system
for IPDS or the NPS operating system for PostScript or PCL.
The Printer Controller provides the printer with print data and
commands and receives status information from the printer.
Host Channel Unit: On channel-attached systems, the Printer
Controller has an additional component called the Host Channel Unit,
or HCU. The HCU contains the channel communications board, and
handles communication between PSF and the controller when data
is received over a bus and tag connection.
Graphical user interface
The full-color graphical user interface (GUI) provides an easy-to-use,
mouse-driven interface to the IPS. Using the windows on the GUI
screen, you can configure your system; perform diagnostic and
administrative tasks; and set up, change, and implement system
options, and run print jobs.
The IPS main window displays the current system status, as well as
the current printer settings, including the current input and output tray
configurations. From the IPS main window you access the various
menus and windows you use to configure and operate the system.
Refer to the chapter “User interface” in this guide, for more detailed
information on the IPS graphical user interface components.
The printer accepts data from the Printer Controller and prints the
document according to the print options specified by the user. The
printer also provides paper stacking, collating, and optional finishing.
The 96, 4635, and 180 IPS are monochrome printers. Print jobs that
contain color commands are printed in black.