System information – VBrick Systems 7000 User Manual

Page 58

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© 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.

Figure 9. Monitor: System – Part 1

System Information

System Model

Displays the hardware model number of the appliance.

Hardware Revision




= Hardware Revision.


= CPU Revision.

Boot Revision

Displays date of last boot revision.

OS Code Revision

Displays date of last code revision.

Application Code Revision Displays the revision number of the application code running

on the appliance.

Current Operational Mode Indicates the current operational mode of the VBrick. The

following modes are supported:

• Run Mode – Normal operation.
• Diagnostics – User selected mode for running certain

VBrick diagnostics.

• Limited Run Mode – Limited operational mode (not

selectable). Normally occurs if a hardware problem exists
within the VBrick but it can still partially operate.

• Overloaded Mode – Limited operational mode (not

selectable). This mode occurs when the VBrick is
configured to handle more video than its operational
capacity. If this occurs, the VBrick needs to be
reconfigured to reduce the number of streams and/or data
rates. Under this condition, the appliance temporarily
reduces video traffic in order to maintain VBAdmin


Displays the appliance temperature in Celsius (for example 50º
Celsius = 122º Fahrenheit). A temperature exceeding 72º C
will cause an alarm, a trap, and a log message; if the
temperature drops below 70° C the alarm and trap will clear.
When the temperature exceeds the maximum threshold, the
appliance will reboot and come up in Limited Run Mode;
when the temperature drops to an acceptable level, the
appliance will reboot and come up in normal Run Mode. The
temperature determines the fan speed as follows:

• If temperature > 50º C then fan speed = High.
• If temperature > 30º C then fan speed = Medium.
• If temperature < 30º C then fan speed = Low.

Fan Status

On, Off, Alarm.

Overloaded Count

Provides a count of the number of times the box has entered
the Overloaded Mode.

CPU Utilization (%)

Shows average CPU utilization over the previous 10 seconds.

System Up Time

Total up time since last power cycle.

Total System Up Time

Aggregate up time since customer delivery.