Set host name and specify the domain name, Step 4: select raid level, Select your desired raid mode – Thecus Technology N299 User Manual

Page 18: Step 5: create local users and groups

background image

2. Set host name and specify the domain name.

3. Enable DHCP for setting the IP automatically or Disable DHCP to enter

your own IP settings.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the LAN item under the Network menu to

configure the LAN port.

5. In the Network menu, choose the Service item and the Service

Support screen appears.

6. Enable or Disable each protocol according to your requirements. Press

Apply to confirm the setting.


• For normal usage, enabling all protocols is recommende

• For added security, disable WebDisk support and enable


• If DHCP is enabled in the Network Settings screen, UPnP



Secure WebDisk

is automatically

For details on configuring your network settings, refer to Chapter 3: System

Management >

Network Management


Step 4: Select RAID Level

Once the network is configured, you should then select the appropriate RAID level

and build your RAID array.

1. From the Storage menu choose RAID item and the RAID Information

screen appears. Press the Config button and the RAID Configuration

screen appears.

2. Select your desired RAID mode.


If security is your primary concern, for 2 disks, choose RAI

primary concern, choose JBOD or RAID 0. See Appendix

D 1. If capacity is your

C for more information.

3. Check the hard disks you wish to create a RAID on. Specify a stripe size—

64K is a normal setting.

4. Press the Create button to build the RAID storage volume. Configuring

RAID is usually only required for initial setup.


Building a RAID storage space may take time, depending o

and RAID mode.

n the size of hard drives

Step 5: Create Local Users and Groups

After your RAID is built, you can begin to create local users and groups for the


1. From the Accounts menu, choose Users item and the Local User

Configuration screen appears. Click Add to add a new user.

2. Enter a name and password for each user in the Name and Password

boxes and re-enter the password in the Confirm Password box.