Trimble Outdoors R7 User Manual
Page 218

2 0 6 Trimble R7/R8 GPS Receiver User Guide
Trimble R8 receiver 118
TSC1/TSCe controller 26
Port 1
connector pin locations 93
default baud rate 85, 159
default serial format 85, 159
event marker input 100
flow control 85, 159
icon 16, 116
pinout diagram 93, 163
pinout functions 93
power output 49, 131
Port 2
1PPS output 100
connector pin locations 93
default baud rate 85, 159
default serial format 85, 159
event marker input 100
icon 16, 116
pinout diagram 93, 163
pinout functions 93
Port 3
connector pin locations 93
default baud rate 85
default power output 85
default serial format 85
flow control 85, 159
icon 16
pinout diagram 93, 163
pinout functions 93
power output 49, 50, 131
port settings, checking 198
Position Error Statistics message 177
position logging rate, default 86
positioning specifications 81, 153
postprocessed setup 20
external 49
minimum to charge batteries 46
power cable, pinouts 94, 164, 165
Power LEDs See Battery LEDs
power output
automatically enabling on Port 3 50
enabling on Port 3 49, 131
on Port 1 49, 131
power source 129
power supply 46
Power Up application file
overriding factory defaults with 84,
Trimble R7 receiver 57
Trimble R8 receiver 137
power up application file 57
power/data ports 15
overriding factory defaults with 84,
Trimble R7 receiver 57
Trimble R8 receiver 137
powering down the receiver 39, 125
powering up the receiver 39, 41, 125, 126
problems, troubleshooting 193–194
Projection Type message 183
PTNL,GGK message 179
PTNL,GGK message, Time, Position,
PTNL,GGK_SYNC message 180
PTNL,PJK message 182
PTNL,PJT message 183
PTNL,VGK message 183
PTNL,VHD message 184
pulse, for 1PPS output 102