Trimble Outdoors R7 User Manual
Page 212

2 0 0 Trimble R7/R8 GPS Receiver User Guide
overview 55, 135
Power Up (Power_Up.cfg) 57, 84,
records 55, 135
storing 59, 138
timed 40, 58, 90
applying application files 59, 138
output, default settings 85, 159
time tags, default 85
time tags, definition 103
backpack setup 28
base station See reference station
baseline, moving 170
camcorder 33
charging in reference and rover
minimum power to charge 46
operating time 45, 80, 152
standby 41
compartments 14, 17, 117
inserting in the Trimble R8
baud rate
default 85, 159
maximum 82, 154
binary output, default settings 85, 159
blue RPA cable 16, 198
blue TNC port 16, 198
Bluetooth 3
bottom panel 17, 117
insert 24
receiver 24, 25
RPA 22
breakout box, on event marker/1PPS
coaxial 97
data/power 63, 94, 164
event marker/1PPS 95
GPS antenna 16, 103
RPA 16
for battery compartment 14
for CompactFlash/USB door 13, 114
cellphones 33, 121
cellular modems 33, 121, 198
centimeter-level accuracy 8, 110
internal batteries 46
minimum time required 46
Trimble R7 and TSC1/TSCe
input 9, 111
output 9, 111
output, default settings 85
coaxial cable, for connecting to GPS
COCOM limits 10, 112
cold start, time required 82, 154
color-coded TNC ports 16
CompactFlash card