Trimble Outdoors R7 User Manual
Page 215

Trimble R7/R8 GPS Receiver User Guide 2 0 3
RS-232 ports 9
RTCM SC-104 input and output 9,
RTK data 8, 110
submeter accuracy 8, 110
Trimble R8 receiver 110
USB port 9
WAAS capability 8, 110
file size 65
File Storage record, in application file 55,
file types
.cfg 68
.dat 66
.elf 68
.eph 68
.T01 66
application (.cfg) 68
DAT 65
data (.dat) 66
data files 66
ephemeris (.eph) 68
job 43, 128
raw observations (.T01) 68
receiver firmware (.elf) 68
supported 68
deleting 68
transferring from CompactFlash
(.elf) files 68
upgrading 50, 72, 132, 142
flashing LED 39, 125
flow control
default setting 85, 159
disabling on cellular modem 33, 121,
Trimble R7 receiver 82
Trimble R8 receiver 154
formatting a CompactFlash card 36, 39, 44
frequencies, for internal radio 74, 144
front panel 13, 114
full format 196
full memory 42
full reset 196
General Controls record, in application
GGA message, time, position, and fix related
GPS antenna cable 16
GPS antenna port 9, 16, 111, 198
GPS Configurator software
configuring 1PPS output 104
configuring event marker input 100
configuring Trimble R8 receiver 71,
deleting files on receiver with 68
installing 70, 140
performing a full format 196
Trimble R7 receiver 43, 70
Trimble R8 receiver 120, 134, 140
GPS LED See SV Tracking LED
green LEDs 41
GSA message 176
GSOF output 82
GST message 177
GSV message 178
guidelines for setting up receiver 19, 118