Trimble Outdoors R7 User Manual
Page 213

Trimble R7/R8 GPS Receiver User Guide 2 0 1
formatting 39, 44, 196
full 42
logging data to 42
transferring files from 66
Type I 36
upgrading receiver firmware from 50,
CompactFlash port 17, 117
CompactFlash/USB door 17, 117
CompactFlash/USB door catch 13, 114
1PPS output in real time 104
event marker input in real time 100
MS Series parameters 174
receiver in real time 54, 134
receiver using application files 135
connecting to computer for data transfer 63
mounting on pole 26
power supply 48
setup 26
corrupted CompactFlash card 196
Current application file 56, 84, 136, 158
current application file 56
current receiver configuration 136
current settings 158
Current.cfg 56, 84, 136, 158
DAT files 65, 66
logging internally 42
logging to Trimble Survey
transferring from the receiver 61
Data button 13, 38
data files
deleting by formatting CompactFlash
transferring 65
transferring from CompactFlash
Data LED See Logging/Memory LED
data link, using a cellular modem 33, 121
data outputs, NMEA 174
data storage cards See CompactFlash cards
data transfer
transferring files 61–68
with serial connection 63
with USB connection 64
Data Transfer utility
deleting files on receiver with 68
transferring files with 65
data/power cable pinouts 94, 164, 165
Default application file 56, 84, 136, 158
default application file 56
default settings
1PPS time tags 85
antenna 86, 159
ASCII output 85, 159
ASCII time tags 85
baud rate 85, 159
binary output 85, 159
changing 137
CMR output 85
elevation mask 85, 159
factory 87
logging rate 86
measurement rate 86
motion 85, 159
NMEA output 85, 159
overriding 136
Port 3 power output 85
position logging rate 86
reference position 86, 159
reference station 85, 159