Before calling for serv i c e – Toastmaster 1172X User Manual

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W hy does the height and shape of
bread differ in each loaf?

The bread has an unu s u a l
a r o m a .W hy ?

The kneading blade comes out
with the bread.

The bread has a floured corn e r.

W hy can the timer not be set fo r
more than 12 hours?

Can ingredients be halved or
d o u bl e d ?

Can fresh milk be used in place of
d ry milk?

Q u e s t i o n s

A n sw e rs

The height and shape of bread may diffe r
depending on the ingr e d i e n t s, room
t e m p e rature and length of the timer cycle.
A l s o, accurate measurement of ingr e d i e n t s
is essential to make delicious bread.

Stale ingredients or too much yeast may
h ave been used. A l ways use fresh ingr e d i-
e n t s. A c c u rate measurements are essential
to make delicious bread.

This can happen as the kneading blade is
d e t a c h a bl e. Use a non-metal utensil to
r e m ove it.

C a u t i o n : The kneading blade will be hot.

Sometimes flour in the corner of the pan
m ay not have been completely
kneaded into the dough. S c rape the flour off
the loaf with a spatula.

Longer delay times could alter the baking
r e s u l t s.

N o. If there is too little in the bread pan,
the kneading blade cannot knead we l l
e n o u g h . If there is too much, bread swe l l s

out of the bread pan.

Ye s, for all programs except fast bake. B e
sure to deduct the same measurement of
water to equal liquid substitution
( 8 0 ° F / 2 7 ° C ) . Fresh milk is not recommended
when using the timer, because it may spoil
while sitting in the bread pan.