Toastmaster 1172X User Manual

Page 14

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Press STA RT. The time left fo r
the program to be
finished is dis-

p l aye d . The timer will count
d ow n . The Basic, Sweet and
Fast Bake programs will
beep to add additional
i n gredients during the
second knead and/or check the dough
b a l l . Opening lid will not stop kneading.
Add ingredients quickly and evenly ove r
d o u g h . At this time also check the
dough ball and use a ru bber spatula to
s c rape any ingredients from the sides of
the pan. Close lid to prevent heat loss.

- 14 -


Close the lid. Plug into 120 V
~ 60 Hz outlet. The display
indicator will light up.


Select progra m . The smaller
s i ze recipes and bread mixe s
will not fill the bread pan when
f i n i s h e d .


The beeper will sound when
bread is done. Press STO P
and remove the bread pan

using oven mitts. If you do not stop the

unit and remove the bread, it will
automtically go into the hold wa rm

process on all bread cycles except Fa s t
B a ke. Your bread will be kept wa rm fo r

one hour and then the bread maker will
shut off. For best results, remove bread
immediately after the bake process is

c o m p l e t e. At the end of Fast Bake, 0:00
is in the display window.

Tu rn the bread pan upside dow n
and shake to release the bread.

Place the bread
u p right on a wire ra ck
to cool 20 minu t e s
b e fore cutting. T h i s
a l l ows the steam to
e s c a p e. Be sure to
r e m ove the kneading
blade from the bread.

N OT E : If using the Fast Bake program or
d e l ay timer, add all of the ingredients at
the beginning. The ingredients will be
chopped into smaller pieces.

C AU T I O N :

• The bread pan, kneading bl a d e, and

bread will be ve ry hot.

• A l ways unplug after use.

N OT E : The unit must be allowed to cool
d own between each use.