Oceanic Watch / Dive Computer GEO User Manual
Page 120
Upon surfacing, the UP Arrow will be removed, however, the
Full TLBG will continue to flash for 24 hours and dive computer
operation will revert to FREE Permanent Violation Mode (Fig.
115) until a full 24 hours elapse with no diving. Access to
Watch Mode will be allowed, but access to NORM or GAUG
will be blocked.
Although breathing apparatus is not utilized for FREE Dive activities, nitrogen
tissue loading remains a factor. Nitrogen loading is calculated based upon a
fixed FO2 of AIR. Since a user has the option of alternating between NORM
(SCUBA) and FREE Dive activities within a 24 hour period, nitrogen calculations
and the displayed value of No Deco Dive Time Remaining (NDC Time) are carried
over from one operating mode to the other, which permits the user to maintain
awareness of nitrogen absorption and offgasing status.
The mathematical model currently used in the GEO is based on no decompres-
sion/decompression multilevel repetitive dive schedules. This algorithm does not
take into account the physiological changes associated with the high pressures
that competitive type Free diving can expose a diver to.
Fig. 115 - FREE SURF