2 accessing your speedtouch, Access methods, Accessing your speedtouch – RCA 605 User Manual

Page 16: Chapter 1

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E-DOC-CTC-20051017-0151 v1.0

Chapter 1

Getting to know your SpeedTouch™

1.2 Accessing your SpeedTouch™

Access methods

Your SpeedTouch™ is accessible in one of the following ways:

Access Method

Can be used to

Web browser

Configure your SpeedTouch™ via HTTP or
For more information, see

“1.2.1 Access via

the Web Interface” on page 7


Command Line Interface (CLI)

Fine-tune your SpeedTouch™ configuration.
For more information, see

“1.2.2 Access via

CLI” on page 8


File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Back up and restore data on your
For more information, see

“1.2.3 Access via

FTP” on page 10


Remote Assistance

Allow a remote user to help you configuring
your SpeedTouch™.
For more information, see

“1.2.4 Remote

Assistance” on page 13


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