6 system update, Overview, System configuration – RCA 605 User Manual

Page 120: Upload system files, System update, Chapter 5

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E-DOC-CTC-20051017-0151 v1.0

Chapter 5

Expert Configuration

5.2.6 System Update


The System Update page features all means for management and maintenance of
your SpeedTouch™. It consists of two sections:

System configuration

System Upgrade

System configuration

The System Configuration section allows you to manage locally stored system files.


Upload File to upload a system file to the SpeedTouch™.

“ Upload system files” on page 110

for more information.

Configuration Files to manage stored configuration files.

“ Manage configuration files” on page 111

for more information.

Language Packs to manage stored SpeedTouch™ web interface language
packs. See

“ Manage language packs” on page 111

for more information.

Upload system files

Following file types are allowed:

Files with extension


are SpeedTouch™ configuration files. These files are

intended for backing up configurations (to back up your current configuration,

“4.3.5 Back up & Restore” on page 48


Files with extension


are configuration templates, used by the

SpeedTouch™ Home Install Wizard, available on the SpeedTouch™ Setup CD,
or the embedded

Easy Setup


Files with extension


are language packs for your SpeedTouch™. These

files allow you to select the language in which the SpeedTouch™ web
interface is presented.


You can only upload files with known extensions; however this does not
guarantee the validity of a system file. Only upload files if these are:

configuration files (.ini) you backed up yourself from this

template files (.tpl) that are known to be valid for your SpeedTouch™
(e.g. stemming from the SpeedTouch™ Setup CD delivered with your

language packs (.lng) that match your SpeedTouch™’s Board name
and Software release.

This manual is related to the following products: