3octave, 4volume, 5panpot – Roland FR-7x User Manual
Page 80: 6chord drum, 7reverb send, 7.8chorus send, 7.9delaysend, 10midi tx, P. 80

7. Orch. Chord Edit parameters (Advanced)
FR-7x V-Accordion
The ORCHESTRA CHORD sound thus changes octaves.
For some songs, the default setting (E) may yield odd
results, especially if you need to play walking bass lines,
etc. In that case, you can change the “Lowest Note” set-
ting to achieve a satisfactory result.
The options are: E, F, F
#, G, Ab, A3, Bb, B, C; Default set-
ting: E.
This parameter allows you to
transpose the ORCHESTRA
CHORD section (i.e. the cur-
rently selected orchestral or
organ sound) up or down.
(Off, –40~“Std”~40, Default
setting: Std)
This parameter allows you to
set the volume of the
This is a relative parameter, which means that its value is
added to or subtracted from the standard value (“Std”).
(Bass 63~0 Treb 0~63 Bass)
Depending on the selected
sound, this parameter allows
you to change the ORCHES-
TRA CHORD part’s placement
in the stereo sound field (i.e. between the left and right
speakers) to create a livelier sound image. The “Treb” val-
ues mean that the sound will appear on the same side as
the treble accordion sound. This setting applies to both
the FR-7x’s internal speakers and the L/MONO socket.
The “Bass” values mean that the sound will appear on
the same side as the bass accordion sound. This setting
applies to both the FR-7x’s internal speakers and the R/
MONO socket.
Choose “0” if the ORCHESTRA CHORD sound should be
at the center of the stereo image.
Note: If a TW organ sound is assigned to the current ORCHES-
TRA CHORD register, the “VALUE” parameter will read “Rotary”
to signal that the “VALUE” parameter cannot be set.
This parameter allows you to
assign up to three drum/per-
cussion sounds to the chord
buttons and to set their levels.
If you assign three sounds, all
three will be played simultaneously whenever you press
a chord button. See “3.7 Bass Drum” on p. 72 for the
7.7 Reverb Send, 7.8 Chorus Send, 7.9 Delay Send
(0~127 for all three)
Use these parameters to set
the Reverb, Chorus or Delay
send level (how much effect
should be applied to the
The higher the value you set,
the stronger the ORCHESTRA
CHORD section will be pro-
cessed by the effect in ques-
The other sections have the
same parameters, so that you
can create a sound image with various “levels” (fore-
ground, background).
The effects themselves can be edited on separate pages
(see p. 82).
Note: If a TW organ sound is assigned to the current ORCHES-
TRA CHORD register, the “LEVEL” value will read “Rotary” to
signal that the register is not processed by the FR-7x’s “general
effects” (see p. 55). In this case, the “LEVEL” parameter cannot
be set.
This page contains a series of
MIDI parameters for the
Orchestra section you need to
set one by one. See page 113
for details about the MIDI
parameters. These parameters are saved along with all
other Set parameters, which allows you to use different
MIDI settings for each Set.
FR-7x GB.book Page 80 Tuesday, August 25, 2009 10:58 AM