Alarm: landmarks – ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual
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ROUTE 66 MOBILE 8 User Manual
During na vi ga tion, you ca n be wa rned in advance that you a re approa ching a speci fi c
loca tion along your route.
For example, select the POI category Eating & Drinking; this means tha t you will be wa rned
when you a re approa ching a res taurant.
The wa rning can be an i con (displa yed in the upper-left corner of the na viga tion s creen), a
sound, or both.
You can confi gure the warning details for:
Select the wa rning ca tegory (landma rk, POI).
Select a ca tegory i tem.
You ca n use the defaul t alarm or you ca n cus tomize the wa rning details for the selected
Alarm: Landmarks
During na vi ga tion, you ca n be wa rned in advance that you a re approa ching a speci fi c
landma rk along your route.
For exa mple, select the landma rk ca tegory Favourites; this means tha t you will be wa rned
when you a re approa ching a fa vouri te loca tion.