Alarm: points-of-interest – ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual

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ROUTE 66 MOBILE 8 User Manual


Alarm: Points-of-Interest

During na vi ga tion, you ca n be wa rned in advance that you a re approa ching a speci fi c
loca tion along your route.

For example, select the POI category Eating & Drinking; this means tha t you will be wa rned
when you a re approa ching a res taurant.

Select a POI ca tegory. You can use the defaul t alarm or you can customi ze the warning
details for the selected POI ca tegory.

When focus is on All categories (fi rs t i tem in the list), you can toggle between:

Mark all – select all items in the list;

Unmark all- deselect all i tems in the list.

To select an indi vidual i tem, s croll the list, highli ght it and press the s croll key.

To deselect an indi vi dual i tem, s croll the list, highlight i t and press again the s croll key.

When you select an item, the defaul t ala rm is automa ti cally applied to tha t i tem.