Show route – ROUTE 66 Mobile 8 User Manual

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ROUTE 66 MOBILE 8 User Manual


Rename – allows you to provide a different name for the selected tri p.

Delete - permanentl y removes the current trip from the applica tion.

Settings - allows you to customi ze the beha viour of the applica tion.

Show Route

After a trip is sa ved, you can visualize on the map the cal cula ted route and i ts loca tions.

All wa ypoints whi ch belong to the current trip a re displayed on the map.

Depa rture is marked by a green flag.

Des tina tion is ma rked by a checkered flag.

Wa ypoi nts a re ma rked by blue ci rcles .

Show list

s witches to the List view mode.

Show route

opens the Route description vi ew.

Start navigation

– s ta rts a new na viga tion, based on the current trip.

Simulate route

– pla ys a trip demons tra tion.

Send route - the current route is sent to another user.

Travel mode

– selects the method of tra velling.